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Buy Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Online

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English, 中文, čeština, dansk, Nederlands, suomi, français, Deutsch, magyar, italiano, 日本語, 한국어, norsk (bokmål), polski, português, русский, slovenčina, slovenščina, español, svenska, Türkçe, українська
Available: 50+
Acrobat Pro DC is software, allowing creating professional-quality PDF-documents. Create and edit PDF-flies, containing multimedia, share information with a high reliability and effectively gather feedbacks.

The main functions of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC are:

  • creating, editing and signing PDF-documents on the devices under Windows and Mac;

  • instant creation of edited files from the hard copies and PDF-documents;

  • replacing the « hand-written signatures » with the electronic signatures;

  • restrictions on copying and editing of confidential information in PDF-documents for other users.

The advantages of Adobe Acrobat Professional DC:

Your office will be as mobile as you. The application Acrobat DC, completed with the services of Document Cloud, includes a lot of tools for transforming and editing PDF- documents, as well as adding signatures to them. You can use it anywhere. Start creating the document at the office, adjust it on your way home and send the final version for approval from home — it is easy, fast and comfortable.

Acrobat DC work miracles. Now you can edit any document, even if you have only its hard copy with you. Just take a picture of it from your smartphone and open it in a desktop application. Right before your eyes, Acrobat will convert a photo into PDF-file, which you can edit on your tablet. At that, you can use the additional fonts of the same type, as in the source document.

Electronic signatures. Everywhere. The services Acrobat DC for adding electronic signatures are used on more than a billion devices all over the world. Any user can complete his/her document with a legally binding signature, just by running your fingers across the sensor device or making a few clicks in your browser Acrobat DC is not just a comfortable application for adding signatures. It allows you to easily send, track and save the signed documents.

Sign the documents as quickly as possible. Attractive sensor user interface. New sensor user interface Acrobat DC facilitates the access to the necessary tools and takes into account all the features of mobile devices. Try it, and you and you won’t trade it for anything.

Merging files. Save all the all the files in one document. Merge and systematize the documents, spreadsheets, e-mails and other files in a single PDF-document.

Scanning in PDF. Convert your paper documents into the edited PDF-files with a search option. Copy and insert the text for reuse in several documents.

Standardization of the daily operations in PDF-format. The sequence of actions in creating PDF-files is always the same. Just follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen.

Protection of PDF-files. Providing the shared access to the files, make sure that they are safe. Block the functions of copying and editing of the content of your PDF-documents.

Creation of completed forms. Convert the existing paper documents, Word-files and PDF-forms into the electronic forms, easy to complete and sign.

Access to the tools from any devices. Get the access to the PDF-tools and recently used files from the office, home computer or mobile device.


Access powerful print production and digital publishing tools
Work anywhere
Take your files with you
Edit anything
Make last-minute changes
Replace ink signatures
Protect important documents
Eliminate overnight envelopes