The software Adobe Acrobat Standard DC is fully updated desktop version of the best solutions in the world to work with PDF files. The composition of Acrobat Standard DC includes a mobile application that allows you to fill in, sign and send PDF forms with any device. Thanks to cloud services Document Cloud you can create, export, edit and monitor the PDF files in any Web browser. The latest versions of the files will always be close no matter which device you use.
Functions of Acrobat Standard DC
- Editing of PDF files. Making small changes to text and images directly in the PDF file. Adding new paragraph with one click or tap. Correction of typos, reorder pages and even crop or replacement photos.
- Export from PDF files. Convert PDF files into Microsoft Office documents while preserving the original fonts, formatting and the whole project. Converting custom content stored in PDF format, convenient for editing Microsoft Word documents. The conversion tables in PDF for easy editing and analysis of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the browser or on a mobile device, even when you work away from the office. Convert PDF documents into formatted file PPTX, which can be edited and modified in Microsoft PowerPoint app just by a few mouse clicks.
- Creating PDF files. Convert Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents into a PDF file, a joint review, protection against editing and other functions. Print files of almost any format in PDF format - it is enough to select Adobe PDF as the printer for this. Saving scanned or photographed documents in PDF and convert HTML pages into PDF files.
- Filling in and signing forms. Conversion of all paper and electronic documents in PDF form. You can fill out, sign and send the resulting form from desktop or browser. Tool "Complete and sign" for filling any documents or digital forms. The signature of any document from anywhere. Adding and send the filled out form to other users with a few clicks of the mouse. You don't need to print documents.
- Combining the files. Combination of some files (documents, spreadsheets, e-mails, and so on.)in common PDF document.
- Electronic signatures. Sending documents for sign by a few clicks of mouse. Recipients can sign anywhere with the help of browser or mobile device. Tracking unsigned, signed or documents awaiting for signature.
- Protection of PDF files. The use of PDF passwords and set permissions for working with files.
- Creation of PDF files which meet the standards. Compliance with ISO PDF standards. Standardization of daily operations with the PDF format and addition of digital signatures to the documents.