Edit text in a PDF
Fix a typo, change a font, or add a paragraph to your PDF as easily as you do in other applications using a new point-and-click interface.
Approve with electronic signatures
Keep projects moving. E-sign your approval right on the PDF. No need to print, fax, or mail the document.
Merge multiple files into one PDF
Make sure they don't miss a thing. Combine documents, spreadsheets, emails, and more in an organized PDF.
Integrate with SharePoint
With Acrobat, it's simple and convenient for you to retrieve, open, and save PDFs stored on your company's SharePoint server.
Edit images in a PDF
Resize, replace, and adjust images in your PDF with no need to track down the original file or graphic.
Apply PDF passwords and permissions
Get expert protection without being an expert. Add copy and edit protection to any PDF — even right from Microsoft Office applications in Windows®.
Convert HTML pages to PDF
Save web pages as PDF files to archive web content, review the pages offline, or print them more reliably.
Convert Word, Excel, or PowerPoint to PDF
Right from your Office application in Windows, you can create PDFs, start a shared review, restrict PDF edits, and more.
Get others to sign documents
Get the green light faster. Send PDFs to others for signature approval, and track them online using the Adobe EchoSign® service.*
Convert PDF files to Word
Save your PDF as a Microsoft Word document and take your fonts, formatting, and layouts with you.
Convert PDF files to Excel
Turn your PDF or just part of it into an editable Excel spreadsheet you can use for data analysis right away.
Conform to ISO PDF standards
Create PDF documents that comply with standards managed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
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